Sunday, June 22, 2014

Reflections of Life, Love and Travel ---“Life and Death”

Once again these past few weeks have shown me, how life can be fleeting and so unfair for  many that are taken much  too soon from their beloved family and friends here on earth.   Unfortunately, every day is really about Life and Death. 

As I sat at a memorial service yesterday at the very same church where we sat almost a year ago to say our Aloha to my husband Sam, I had such sadness in my heart for the loss and pain my friend and her children had to bear as they said goodbye to their father, and ex-husband of 16 years and friend/partner of 26 years. 

It feels like yesterday that I walked down that aisle with a church full of family and friends. I once again recalled the pain in my heart, and the sadness in my soul on that day and for months following.  As the service began, it was hard to fight back the tears.   But this time the tears were not for me they were for my friend and my knowledge of the journey she and her children will be embarking on.  For I have learned so many life lessons through the loss of my husband.    I remembered the tears that flowed down my face that day, and how difficult it was to believe that this person who I loved would not walk in my front door or down the drive way again with his surfboard, make his sons laugh, make me smile, cook us dinner, surf another wave, play with our dogs, or enjoy a fun evening or vacation with our friends and family. 

However as Monsignor Barry said today, it doesn’t mean they are no longer with you or that you can’t talk to them any longer.  I have had many conversations with Sam over this past year.  He just can’t respond in person, or give me that “are you crazy look” any longer.  I do very much feel his presence in my life, his encouragement for me to move forward and be happy and to love once again.

I have learned over and over this year, that life is meant to be lived….really lived!  Time is a precious commodity! So many of us live on a treadmill of life, jumping off for a short time every once in awhile to appreciate our blessings, our families and friends, and the beauty surrounding us.   The joys shared with my friends and family this year have been many.   I know that Sam must be very proud of me and our boys for how we’ve traveled this road, and come out of the darkness and fog we felt much wiser and stronger than we could have imagined. Not to say, that there haven’t been set backs or difficult days at times.  But, with all the love we have received it made it so much easier to take one step at a time. Sam wanted love and happiness for us, and we have survived many firsts without him this year.   I have personally been reminded that life can be short more than I like, with the recent losses for my friends and family. 

On any given day, we can mourn the death of a good soul and simultaneously celebrate the joys of new babies being born to our friends, their children, and others.  It is truly, “the Circle of Life.”  There are many surprises in life,  I’ve chosen to embrace them because they are sometimes messages, gifts or guidance from those who have departed.   It will take time but, I believe I will one day understand them all.  

I will continue to” Live in the Moment” , by sharing  joy and compassion freely, living life large and loving deeply those that touch my heart,  for there is no guarantee of tomorrow.   

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Reflections of Life, Love and Travel -"Memories"

Living in the Moment ---Reflections of Life, Love and Travel ---“Memories”

I know we all wonder as we get older,  where did all those years go?  Some things we remember as if they were yesterday, and others we can’t even recall.   It is through unforgettable experiences which brought us happiness, sadness, excitement, pain,  or elation that these memories become etched deep in our hearts.    It seems that some of the stupid silly things are the things that I seem to remember most.

As I think about  the 17 years I had with Sam, there are so many memories that I look back on daily that will bring a smile to my face, laughter to my soul, and sadness to my heart.  But, I wouldn’t  trade those years because they are the good and bad of life and the glue that kept us together.  It allowed us the time to build a beautiful family of those with our DNA and those without.   How lucky we were to have shared this time together!  I’m finding that It is true, you sometimes never fully appreciate someone until they are gone.  So now, I Thank him each day for being there for me then and now.   He is present in my heart every day and showing me the way of how to continue to live life and be happy.  That is without a doubt, what he wanted most of all was for me and our boys.  To live our lives,  and to be happy each and every day.  He  left us all, with a part of him .  He is now resting in his beautiful island home with his mother and grandparents  beside a beautiful Plumeria tree,  and he will forever live on through us and those he left with memories. 

I received a beautiful poem from a good friend before we took Sam home to Hawaii in May,  which speaks volumes to me of what I believe is the message Sam is sending me now.
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free.

Miss me a little, but not too long,
And not with your head bowed low.

For this is a journey we all must take,
And each must go alone.
It’s all part of life’s plan,
A step on the road to home

When you are lonely and sick at heart,
Go to the family and friends we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go
(Author unknown)

It may be a new chapter in my life that I am beginning now but, one that will move forward with all the beautiful memories we created and lessons learned from a good life with a great guy.  I know he is smiling down on me now knowing that I am going to be ok, and sending me his blessing to make new memories that also warm my heart and put a smile on my face