Saturday, July 19, 2014

Reflections of Life, Love and Travel ---“Love and Honesty”

No smoke screens here,  I believe in “Love and Honesty”.   Anyone who really knows me, knows that this is my M.O.    It is what makes me who I am.  

This philosophy lives deep within me, and I have applied it to all my relationships.   With the men who have shared my life, my children, my parents, my family, my friends and with my work relationships.  I find that it keeps me true to myself and my core beliefs.

When I love someone,  I definitely have distinct ways of showing when I’m happy, sad, or angry.  Regardless of whether the person receiving the information likes what they hear, they will always know that it is coming from my heart because I love them. 

Some of you reading this now, will be able to nod your head because you have been that person across the table or the room from me.  Close friends and family might even say, “don’t make that Puerto Rican mad.”   It does take a lot to make me angry but, it does happen on occasion.  My kids are definitely nodding their heads now.  I am happiest when I’m with a special someone who fuels my mind, body and soul from deep within, which makes me shine outwardly to all who know me.   I’ve always felt that being in love is an unbelievable feeling, and one that can have so many levels of intensity with different individuals. 

I do believe that honesty is a necessity to any relationship.   I know for me and most of my friends, once we begin to question the honesty of someone it quickly begins to peel away layers of  faith and trust instantly.   It is very hard to regain that unquestionable level of trust again, once betrayal or deceit has been discovered.   This applies to all levels of human relationships I’ve experienced.   With honesty, I’ve found that people always know what to expect from me and have respected me more for it. 

In personal relationships they know that I will tell them what is in my heart, and express it from a loving place.  I am always thinking of their safety, well-being, or future.  In business, my clients know that I have integrity and will not make promises I can’t keep or pretend to know something I don’t. 

As a parent, I’ve found that both love and honesty need to be expressed daily.   Even though, my sons and I have our disagreements I know that if I was gone tomorrow they would easily be able to say, “she loved me with all her heart and only wanted the best for me.”   I try to be their cheerleader, whenever the opportunity arises.  Although,  I know there is always room for improvement.  It is a two way street of showing love in verbal and non-verbal ways towards one another.   One simple way is by taking the initiative to help around our home.  It shows me that they love, respect me, and appreciate what I do for our family daily.  I can’t do it all, and a little help goes a very long way.  But, honesty lives on forever.  It allows you to truly know a person.

So, I pray that you may be so lucky to have incredible partners, family, friends, children, business collegues and other loved ones that make you feel as special as those that share their lives with me.  My motto is, “work hard, play hard, and love hard!”  It is through “Love and Honesty”, that I plan to continue living a long, experiential, and heartfelt existence until I am called home to see my maker in the heavens above.  

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