Sunday, April 6, 2014

Reflections of Life, Love and Travel -"Make Love Last"

I’ve learned that life can be short.  Be prepared for the unexpected, it can happen at any moment.  In the end, it truly is about those that we love.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow so, “Cherish every Moment, Love every moment, Embrace every possibility “(author unknown). Making love last is a lot of work, it doesn’t just happen.

When I reflect on my life, I realize the love I’ve personally experienced was paramount in providing me so many incredible memories.  I want my sons to one day understand it doesn’t have to be that difficult to keep a woman happy.  I pray that they will find the person that will love them for the very special individuals they are, and provide them the confidence of knowing that love can last.  I hope I have been a little bit of an example.  

There is so much fear associated with marriage now, when you hear the staggering divorce statistics.  Yes, it truly is a leap of faith when you take that important step.   There will be some detours and rough roads ahead but, it is so much better when you have a loving partner who can help you through life’s challenges. 
I hope they will consider some of my motherly advise;

·         Make sure you love her with all your heart.  When you do not want the next day to come without her being at your side you will know you have a “keeper.” Love cannot last otherwise.

·        Make sure you are her rock and best friend.  Be honest, loyal, supportive and protect her from harm. Without a doubt she will need your shoulders to cry on.  Hold her tight, and tell her you are there for her.

·         Bring her flowers at least once a month! It will always put a smile on her face.

·        Compliment her daily!  It only takes four words, “ You look so, beautiful, gorgeous, etc.  She will feel loved and appreciated, and show you in many ways how much she loves you back. 

·        Women love guys that cook so, please make sure to provide her with breakfast in bed or a nice dinner at least once a week.   Yes, BBQ is fine, it doesn’t have to be a gourmet meal.  There are plenty of good recipe websites and cookbooks.

·        Plan “date nights”.  We women are romantics, and it is a precursor to a much more enjoyable night for both parties

·        Dance with her.  It is a deal breaker for me personally.  So, get rid of the fear or shyness. Get lessons, shine your shoes and get your body moving.  The slow dances will be the reward. I think it is in your DNA.

·        Take pictures without complaining. It might be all she has left of you one day. Remember to smile for her.

·        Work hard, and do your share at home too.  Make sure you know what are her “must do’s ”. I’m sure picking your clothes off the floor and taking out the trash will be on that list. Get used to it.

·        Make her laugh often.  It breaks so much of life’s stress and tension, and will open her heart even more for you to grab a piece each time.

·        Create special memories. Take trips, party with friends and family and provide her some romantic ones to remember as well.  We girls run them in our heads, over and over again. Travel is like candy, it provides satisfaction to so many of our senses and you will always want more.

·       Apologize when you are wrong.  Don’t let resentment build from a past due apology, it won’t be worth it.

·        Remember to tell her daily how much you love and appreciate her.  Never leave the house without, a kiss Good-Bye and use those three words often. You will never regret saying …I Love You

I so wish you a special love that gives you the encouragement and strength to be the best you can be.  Practice these words, and I believe it will help you to “Make Love Last”.  You are the director in this picture we call “Life”.  My sons, you will have my love forever more.


  1. Beautifully said. Many lessons for both genders.

  2. That is so beautiful & true what you wrote. We all wish to have that kind of loving husband or partner, it makes life so worthwhile & fulfilling.
    Keep up with your writing, you're a great teacher. Love ,

  3. Such lovely advice.
    After one failed marriage and now 21 years of a happy marriage, here is what I've Iearned:
    Shared interests, hobbies etc. are OK, but do not guarantee life long compatibility.
    Better yet, make sure that your partner for life shares your VALUES.
